Books by Kepler

Original works

These are the most important texts, from the point of view of this website:
  • 1596. Mysterium Cosmographicum (The Secret of the Universe)
    Kepler's title: Prodromus Dissertationum Cosmographicum continens Mysterium Cosmographicum (Harbinger of inquiries concerning the structure of the universe and containing the worldmystery) [Baumgardt, 1951; p. 200]

    The full title, roughly translated: Introduction to the cosmographic treatises, containing the cosmographic mystery concerning the remarkable proportion of the heavenly spheres, and concerning the genuine and proper causes of the number, magnitude, and periodic motions of the spheres, demonstrated by means of the five regular geometric solids. [Stephenson, 1994; p. 75]
  • 1609. Astronoma Nova (The New Astronomy)
  • 1611. Strena, Seu de Nive Sexangula (A New Year's Gift, or On the six-cornered Snowflake)
  • 1619. Harmonice Mundi (The Worldharmony)
    Full title: Harmonices Mundi Libri V (Five Books on the Harmony of the World)
  • 1621. Mysterium Cosmographicum, 2nd edn.
  • Recent editions

  • Kepler, Johannes, Mysterium Cosmographicum. Transl. A. M. Duncan. New York : Abaris Books, 1981. UCSC Lick Obs QB 41 K413 1981.
    With Preface by I. Bernard Cohen, and Introduction by E. J. Aiton.
    First edn, 1596, 2nd edn. 1621. This is the first English translation.

  • Kepler, Johannes, New Astronomy. Transl. William H. Donahue. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. UCSC S & E Lib QB3.K3313 1991.

  • Kepler, Johannes, The Six-cornered snowflake. Transl. Colin Hardie. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1966. UCSC Lick Obs QD 904 K4.
    With commentaries by B. J. Mason and L. L. Whyte.
    Original edn, 1611. This is the first English translation.

  • Kepler, Johannes, The Harmony of the World Transl. E.J. Aiton, A.M. Duncan, J.V. Field. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 1997. UCB Main Q11 .P447 v.209.

  • Rev'd 11 oct 2005 by ralph abraham